Mc Coy's PianoServices


Accessories & Supplies
Grand Piano String Covers
We highly recommend strings cover for Grand Pianos. These are wool covers in your choice of colors and thread that sit inside the piano laying across the plate struts. the cover is kept in place at all times, even while playing. The cover keeps all The dirt and dust from accumulating inside the piano and will keep it looking like new. When the cover its dusty just roll it up and shake it outside.
Humidity Control Systems
Dampp-Chaser "Piano Life Saver" System
If you care about the stability and longevity of your instrument, if this is a piano you wish to hand down to your children, I urge to consider a humidity control system. The Dampp-Chaser system will keep the temperature and humidity inside your piano at a constant and consistent level, something your home heating and air-conditioning system can not do. Call or e-mail us for a brochure.
For details about the Dampp-Chaser product, go to https://www.pianolifesaver.com
Average Upright Piano
Average Grand Piano
*Unique situations may warrant an additional charge. Price above do not include State tax